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ThingMagic platform simplifies embedding RFID

Author:本站2014-09-01 00:00:00

Sunnyvale, Ca. – Sensor design specialist Trimble has just released its ThingMagic Mercury xPRESS Platform, a flexible development platform designed to simplify integration of application specific RFID readers and embedded RFID solutions into a variety of industrial and business environments. 

Developed by Trimble’s ThingMagic business group, the platform is delivered as an extensible development environment with reference design files, the platform also reduces the need for developers to have significant RFID domain expertise, facilitating the rapid integration of RFID with a variety of products and complementary wireless communication technologies.

"Simplifying the incorporation of RFID into existing and new solutions is important to the ongoing growth of our industry," said Tom Grant, general manager of Trimble's ThingMagic Division. "The value of RFID is becoming clearer; we need to complement that growing interest with a set of tools that make its application straight forward.”

He said the Mercury xPRESS Platform combines a microcontroller-based motherboard with the industry-leading ThingMagic Mercury6e Series of RFID modules and an integrated software development environment built on the ThingMagic Mercury C API. 

“With the platform, developers can bring up a fully functional RFID reader in minutes; testing and proof of concept using sample applications from the software library can start almost immediately,” he said. 

Reference design files allow developers to select the elements needed for their solution and advance rapidly to application specific end product design and development. The Mercury xPRESS Platform has been screened for regulatory compliance, reducing cost and time to secure end product certifications.

In this release, the platform supports USB and Bluetooth transport interface applications. Support for Wi-Fi, POE and other interfaces such as GPRS, GPS, 4G/LTE may be included in future releases at Trimble's discretion. 

It also designed to support a library of sample applications. A native keyboard wedge is available today while other sample applications may be included in future releases.