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Your location: Home Page > Company News | SILION TECH > iOS Now Supported by ThingMagic Mercury API
Author:本站2014-08-29 00:00:00
ThingMagic is pleased to announce enhancements to our Mercury® API, an extensive software development kit (SDK) that supports the development of applications using ThingMagic’s industry leading embedded UHF RFID modules and finished readers. This release adds a number of exciting features including support for development of RFID applications for iOS devices!
· iOS Support - The C API has been enhanced to allow developers to build applications for iOS devices. This includes a sample iOS application along with a sample Xcode project resulting in an easy “out of the box” solution for developers.
· USB Android Support - The Java API’s support for Android is enhanced to enable developers to more easily build Android applications for Mercury 6e Series embedded modules using USB and TTL/UART interfaces and includes a sample Android application along with NetBeans project and makefiles.
· Pluggable Serial Transport Layer – The Mercury API has been enhanced to support easy addition of different backend interfaces to directly communicate with Mercury 6e Series and Mercury 5e Series modules including communicating directly with the modules through a serial to Ethernet adapter using Mercury API.
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