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Radius Networks to Provide Beacons for ATIV''s EventPilot Conference App

Author:本站2014-08-29 00:00:00

EventPilot conference app

ATIV Software, a provider of event apps for medical and scientific meetings, has announced a partnership with Radius Networks. Under the terms of the deal, Radius Network will provide its RadBeacon Bluetooth beacons for meeting professionals using ATIV's EventPilot conference app who wish to send targeted messages to event attendees based on their indoor location. EventPilot displays specific messages depending on a participant's position at the venue, according to ATIV Software. Event planners can easily alert participants regarding attendee services, special events and conference sponsors, the company reports, or integrate with event gamification, such as scavenger hunts.

Announced in February 2014 (see RFID News Roundup: Radius Networks Announces USB-powered Bluetooth Beacon), Radius Networks' beacons use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to transmit a unique ID number to notify cell phones and other mobile devices when they come within 100 feet. Unlike beacon devices that require batteries, the RadBeacon comes in the form of a USB dongle that can be powered by any available USB power source.

The EventPilot app lets meeting planners control which message is shown when and where, and to schedule push notifications triggered by RadBeacons. All notifications in EventPilot include the option of directing users either to a specific view within the conference app, such as a particular session or sponsor details, or to a website via a URL, according to the company. EventPilot is available as a native event app for iOS and Android, and can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple iTunes. A Web-enabled app is available for BlackBerry and Microsoft Windows Phone 7 devices.